In the News
- RealAudio Interview with Dr. Glass
TalkToTara.com Interviews & Reviews, May 2003 - Workplace Affairs
cConnected.com, May 2003 - The Lowdown on Cheating: Why we do it — and how to recover.
Ladies Home Journal Online, April 2003 - Guest Voices Interview with Dr. Glass
WrittenVoices.com, March 2003 - Women are more likely to cheat than men, report finds
DA*DI (Dads Against the Divorce Industry), March 10, 2003 - Be My Valentine
True romance or an excuse to eat chocolate?
Psychology Today Online, February 13, 2003 - Seven Tips for Preventing Infidelity
WrittenVoices.com - iVillage Live Chat with Dr. Shirley Glass
Thursday, January 23, 2003 at 10pm ET
Transcript of “Live from the Headlines”
CNN, July 25, 2003 - Fresh Air
Listen to Dr. Glass discuss “the new infidelity crisis.”
National Public Radio, February 17, 2003 - The Other Half
click for showtimes and stations
January 27, 2003 - The Early Show
CBS; January 15, 2003 - Connie Chung Tonight
CNN; January 15, 2003 - The Infinite Mind: Marriage
NPR; Week of November 22, 2002
Press Articles
- Internet access implicated in growing number of divorces
The Columbus Dispatch, September 4, 2003 - Staying in a marriage rocked by straying
The Sunday Baltimore Sun, August 10, 2003 - Why We Cheat
The New York Post, July 13, 2003 - Partner’s wandering eye can be a source of stress
The Toronto Star, July 4, 2003 - Staying Together; Infidelity doesn’t mean the marriage is over
Newsday, June 19, 2003 - Loves From the Past Shake Up the Present
The Boston Globe, May 20, 2003 - Affairs often due to powerful attraction and opportunity
Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 19, 2003 - Dangerous liaisons: Work infidelities
The Dallas Morning News, April 30, 2003 - More sex means better sex, marriage therapist says
‘Just do it’ is main point of the author’s unconventional approach
The Baltimore Sun, April 27, 2003 - My life doesn’t understand me
The Australian, April 5, 2003 - To tell or not to tell, that is the question
Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 31, 2003 - The easy disintegration of a marriage
Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 31, 2003 - Modern life a ‘hothouse’ for infidelity
Minneapolis Star Tribune, March 30, 2003 - When your guy has a gal pal
Chicago Tribune, March 19, 2003 - Emotional affairs playing with fire
The Rocky Mountain News, March 15, 2003 - Friends, lovers and infidelity
The Toronto Star, February 14, 2003 - Experienced therapists shed light on darkness of infidelity (a 3-part series)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, February 9, 2003 - It’s not always as it looks in love, marriage
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, February 16, 2003 - Infidelity reaches beyond having sex
USA Today, January 8, 2003
- Unfaithfully Yours
A happy marriage offers no guarantee against infidelity, says Shirley Glass
People, May 19, 2003, p. 159 - Why She’s Gotta Have It
How does a woman find happily-ever-after when human nature has us wired to cheat?
Essence, April 2003, p. 160 - Do Your Kids a Favor. Put them second–after your marriage
Working Mother, March 2003 - Infidelity: Some Friendly Advice
Newsweek, March 3, 2003 - When a Woman Strays
Elle, February 2003, p. 121 - Cosmo Quiz: What are your romantic expectations?
Cosmopolitan, February 2003, p. 143 - Exclusive Survey: Your marriage getting better all the time
Reader’s Digest, February 2003, p. 71 - WHY GOOD MEN CHEAT — Many women think cheating is only about “getting some,” but they should think again. Emotional baggage and bad judgment–and even a woman’s own behavior–are often at the root of a man’s betrayal. Writer Nick Charles offers some insight about why cheating happens and suggests that it may not necessarily mean the demise of the relationship.
Essence, January 2003, p. 104 - We Just Clicked: Welcome to adultery, 21st century style, where the other man or woman is only a point and click away. By Leslie Milk. Washingtonian, December, 2002, p. 82.
- Shattered Vows: Getting Beyond Betrayal:
An Interview with Dr. Shirley Glass
Psychology Today, July-August 1998